Belovodsk School

Belovodsk School is the oldest and longest-running ACSCA project.  There are 202 students in grades 1-9 (as of November 2000).  (The second and third Pictures below show a new first grader and the ninth grade.)  Belovodsk School was started by Roy Denton Jr., currently pastor of Askeville Assembly of God (Askeville, North Carolina).  The school is licensed with the Department of Education of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.  Like the other ACSCA schools, the Belovodsk School is housed in a converted Soviet kindergarten building.Click here to see enlarged picture

Much was learned from this first project.  The school was started with hopes that the national economy would soon pick up and that the national church would be able to support the school.  Unfortunately, the economy only worsened and it became clear that the school could only operate with foreign financing and foreign supervision of the use of these funds.  By 1998, mismanagement of funds had reached such proportions that the school was about to close.  A team of four pastors came to assist the school in resolving its problems.  Pastors Roy Denton and Allen Byerly focused on the financial problems of the school while Wesley Hughes (rightClick here to see enlarged picture-center, second picture) and Glen Bambusch did evangelistic work.  During this time Wesley Hughes sensed God's calling to long-term work in Kyrgyzstan, and he began to take part in the discussions as to how to get the school financially sound once again.  JT Hoggard Logging donated money to purchase the school and secure its future.  Wesley Hughes returned home to raised enough money to get the school through that critical year, then returned to Kyrgyzstan to supervise the operation of the school.  Though not without its problems, the school is now flourishing.

Construction of additional classrooms will begin in spring 2001 to accommodate the 10th and 11th grades which will be added over the nest two years.  We look forward to our first graduating class in June 2003.

The success of this first school inspired New Life Ministries to open additional schools.  Now we look forward to hundreds of schools because of the success of this one.

Click here to see enlarged picture

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